Rating individual Tracks

I would like to rate individual Music tracks. Is there any way of doing it, if not are there any plans to add this feature in the future?

In Music Collector you are able to rate individual music tracks - but they do not sync to CLZ Cloud, Music Connect web-app or CLZ Music on mobile (I’m not sure if that will ever make it).

To do it:

  1. Right click an album in Music Collector and hit Edit Album
  2. Go to tracks tab
  3. Right click a track, and hit “Edit track”
  4. Click the “Personal” tab.
  5. You can set a rating there.

Hope that helps!

Thank You for reply and note.
That is exactly what I do, but it seems to then change the Album rating.

If you set an album rating, the tracks will “inherit” that rating, unless you change the rating for 1 track.

Here’s a video, note that I’ve set “rating” as one of my columns.

Maybe it shows it a bit better?

Thanks AJ for all your help. Yes, that is exactly what I do. And you have confirmed that tracks do inherit album ratings but can be changed.

Good to hear that.

I was just confused by this:

From that sentence it seemed like

  • you set a track rating
  • you then notice the album rating changing

And that is something I can not reproduce on my side! Is that still happening?

Thank you for your continued interest in my question. This is exceptional support.
I am a senior citizen who has transferred my music, books and videos from Catraxx etc
Totally converted to book and videos and continue to use music in Catraxx and copy across.

Now back to the conversation.

I have an album no rating
Go into edit as you do,
Update 2 tracks for example everything good.
Then rate album and all unrated tracks get the rating of the album.

However I am relaxed about this.

While conversing I customability, especially the user defined fields are essential to my loving using your applictions.

kind Regards

John P

New Zealand

Thank you for explaining. It seems everything is in order then, and working the way it was intended :slight_smile:

If you need any further help with anything, let me know!

Thank you to all replies. Have got a handle on this now.