Relocate Game Collector files

Since a number of years I’m working with OneDrive. Since the Game Collector files are stored in Documents, OneDrive synchronizes them. But… I don’t want that anymore. I want to install the program outside OneDrive, so I’ve created a location on C, outside of the OneDrive map. I thougt it would work, but the install program won’t let me choose any location than the official Documents map for my files. Is there a solution for that, or is this the only way a Collectorz app works on Windows?

Uodate: I’ve tried to install Game Collector for the pc with the files on another location than Documents. But it doesn’t work. I’ve given up the plan to relocate the map with files. Still, I’m not pleased with it. I hope Collectorz will make it so in the near future that you can install the program on your harddrive wherever you want it, That would be great.

We have instructions in our manual on how you can move your user data to a different location:

It is a bit of work, but if you follow the steps closely it will work.

That said, perhaps you can just find a way to have OneDrive ignore the folder the files are in now?

Have you ever considered switching to our modern Game Connect web-based software?

Game Connect is easier to use and easier to manage, while still giving you all features and customization options. And no local files that you have to move around.
Also the Connect web-based software is what all our development and support is focused on.

If you switch to Game Connect with our Trade-In offer, we will trade-in your remaining Game Collector subscription days and will transfer them to the Connect edition, plus we will add 4 extra months for free.

Full details about the advantages of Game Connect, and our Trade-In Offer can be found here:

Let me know if you are interested or have any questions about switching to Connect.

Hello CLZ_AJ,

Thanks for answering so comprehensively. I’ll follow the steps precisely. Unfortunately there is no way to let OneDrive ignore the Game Collector folder. I’ve asked Microsoft and it’s not possible. So the CLZ solution is more than welcome to me, and I hope I’ll be doing things right. About the web-based CLZ software: been there already in the past and it just isn’t my thing. Sorry. Appreciate your suggestion though.

Kind regards, GameGran

Hello CLZ_AJ,

Following the steps I have this question: by move the folder (don’t copy it) you mean cut and paste I pressume? Because if I select it, hold it and drag it to the new location, it will have the same effect as copying the file.

Yes, cut and paste will work.

(if you drag, and you hold CTRL or SHIFT, it might switch to MOVE, and not copy - but cut/paste will work)

Ok CLZ_AJ, thanks for your confirmation!

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