Report Missing Movie

How do I report a missing movie, that is, not found in CORE database?

You can report it in our “Core | Errors” forum (which I’ve moved your item to now), by making a topic and letting us know which movie (and preferably a barcode too)

But in Movie Connect: when you search for a movie title, the bottom option allows you to report a missing movie from there as well:

If you search for a barcode via the barcode tab, and we don’t have it, you can also report it there.

Best tip:
Or, use the IMDb tab in the Add Movies screen and simply paste the IMDb URL there for the movie and it will immediately be found through IMDb so you can add it to your collection!

I don’t see a IMDb URL.

I get “unknown error” when trying to report a missing movie.

Can you open the Add Movies screen, then click the IMDb tab at the top, then just paste the IMDb URL and you should be able to find/add your movie: