Saved movie information

I’m curious if I change data for a film.

I like to add my own covers, because my own covers are regularly of better quality. And so I have the front and back complete.

The scanned covers are the actual covers that I own, and not a cover of another version.

Further I translate some Pilot information, because not al Pilot information isn’t translate, so I translate it by myself.

Do I only adjust this information for myself? Or is that also visible to other members.

All changes you make in the app are for your database only.

Only if you use Submit to Core, will your data be sent to the Core central database.

Okay, Just out of curiosity, does every member have their own database or something? I think CLZ is a really great system

Of course :slight_smile:

You download the automatically provide information from Core, but it is saved in your own database, so that you can customize all data any way you want.