Search by cover image

Hello there,
Just curious if there were any more thoughts about this possibility?

I looked over and over before coming to CLZ for the ability to scan the cover image. The only couple I found worked but that’s about it. The apps were buggy and lacking support, poor layouts etc.

The barcode works great, pretty fast too (I’m glad it tells me I already scanned an item when I’m too slow to get it out of the way). However, I have a ton of older weird stuff I’ve picked up where some of the information isn’t on the cover. I need to pull them out of their sleeves to read the inside details to use during manual input and editing.

Various apps like chat GPT, Google Lens, Gemini etc. do seem to always pull all the extended details of creator, first appearance, story arcs etc. so I’ve been using those to help when inputting.

Anyway, I’m new and just wanted to say I wouldn’t consider it a waste of time to develop as I myself would definitely use it a lot. I’ve got about 5K to go through and many without barcodes.

Also, if you wanted to scale up over time, I noticed some scans are able to estimate condition, looking at the staples, binding roll, overall quality, so just another thought.

Thanks for nice app. I am enjoying it so far.

I have moved your post to a new topic.

First, for comics without barcodes, I recommend using the Issue tab in the Add Comics screen.
Just enter (part of) the series title and the issue number, e.g. “iron man 17” or “amazing 361” and it will show all matching comics with big images. Then you can easily pick the one you have in your hands.

That said, we are thinking about creating a “search by image” tool.

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Great to hear.

I am continuing with the search and the auto populated aspect does help.

Thank you!