Suddenly I thought I went crazy or I stumbled on a massive bug. Luckily it is a small one. When you Filtered on something, then search, then order the results you get strange behavior. Steps on my collection:
- Filter on Format 4K UHD
- Search for a movie that is not 4K UHD, for example Piece by Piece and select it. The Format filter is switched to [All Movies] which is fine. Also the movie is selected between all other entries within [All Movies]:
- Now order the list by for example Runtime. The result now is that it is only showing 4K movies only, but the [All Movies] is still selected. Now it looks like all movies that are not 4K are gone
- If you scroll all the way down (load new entries 4 or 5 times to get all 498. Then the next results loading icon stays there loading and loading and it is DDoS’ing your services:
it keeps firing requests.
Don’t mention the Format icons. I made an extension to your application to show format icons like the desktop does. Visually more appealing