Selected entry not visible

When you use the arrow keys to go through all entries the selected entry is not visible. It is “off screen”.

Reproduction path:

  1. Scroll down a little bit
  2. Select the first entry that is visible
  3. Use the arrow key to go up a couple of times
  4. The selected entry is behind other elements

I’ve tried it in Chrome on my mac here, but I don’t think I’m able to reproduce it.

Feel free to send a video of the issue. You can send me the file(s) via:

And can you post which browser you’re using please? Thank you!

I am a firefox user. I have the same issue in Edge and Chrome.

Up down

I tested some more and looks like if I filter on DVD or Blu-ray it works fine with sometimes a small glitch where it is behind other elements the first time.

It also happens when I search for a movie, for example ‘Wrong Again’ and then go up with the arrow keys.

Because you are unable to reproduce it, I did some digging. I think I found it.

I have the filter bar disabled:

If you disable it, you get the behavior I showed in my first recording.

However when you enable the filter bar I still have this small issue:
Up down 2

so the first time it is behind other elements.

Plus if you also enable a filter, the problem is also present when you go down:
Up down 3

Thank you, that helps.

With that I was able to reproduce at least the issue without the filter bar being on, and I’m sure that will point our developers to fix this for the other situations too.