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Always like to see what others are doing with their collections. You can usually find new and interesting things to try.


My Movie Collection

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Don’t let my collection intimidate you … I’m old, and have been doing this a long time. Began with VHS, (1000’s and finally trashed them all). Then, on to LaserDiscs. Bought my 1st DVD in March, 1997, the day they were 1st released. Been a long process, spending way too much time (oh yeah … and money) on Ebay and Amazon, both here in US and in Europe. Have been slowing down for the past several months, but, always still looking for deals and classic old movies, etc.
So … post YOUR collections … let everyone see what you’re doing. In the past, I’ve changed how I was doing my collection after seeing how others did theirs. Everyone has to start somewhere!


My Collection

@GeneinOrlando Pretty massive collection dude! Noticed you use movie poster for a lot of your collection vs the cover. Been thinking of doing similar but it’d be a lot of work. Wish we had a way to toggle between views, also wish they would add Slipcover images.

Which of the 3 platforms do you use to add movies? I use Collector as base and Mobile to keep me from buying duplicates although I still manage to do it. I also rely heavily on location as my main sorting tool cause I’m old and can’t remember where I put things.


@roybo Wasn’t intentionly using movie posters. I moved over to CLZ after many, many years of DVD Profiler. Cover art was a problem over there and had to take what I could get. I had started going through the collection and updating all movies, however, what a miserably large endeavour. Going to take a long time to make it through this monster!

I moved over to Connect (from Collector) as my base and since I’m cheap :grinning:, I just use Cloud to control buying while I’m out. Works fine.

BTW, Can’t get into your collection, because it’s password protected?


My Collectiion

Gene, not sure how to make it viewable.

The fun never ends :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Roy, go into your settings for CLZ Cloud Sharing and change setting from Private to public. You can use the hyperlink button in the above menu and attach the cloud address, after you select text, such as “My Collection”


Works now!

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Nice collection! Started mine in the late 90’s/early 00’s. Fell off the wagon & stopped collecting when blu-ray came out because I got annoyed that I was feeling like collector’s were getting nickel and dime’d for having to re-buy titles we spent so much money buying in the DVD era to get the “better” quality experience, or not having blu-ray upgrades for DVD titles that went out of print or were hard to find at that time. Eventually saw the inevitability of the trend and accepted my fate and began collecting again when 4Ks started coming out en masse. Sadly, I had let go of some of my collection of DVDs by that time between house moves and life stuff, so my collection in it’s current form is me playing catch-up and rebuilding/re-buying & upgrading titles to Bluray and 4k versions. I’m getting to the point now that I’m starting to slow down the acquisition of so many titles now too, as I’m slowly pivoting to curating my collection to titles I love, instead of trying to acquire everything, like I did back in the day. Cheers!