Share your collection with everyone ... give others new ideas!

Always like to see what others are doing with their collections. You can usually find new and interesting things to try.


My Movie Collection

Don’t let my collection intimidate you … I’m old, and have been doing this a long time. Began with VHS, (1000’s and finally trashed them all). Then, on to LaserDiscs. Bought my 1st DVD in March, 1997, the day they were 1st released. Been a long process, spending way too much time (oh yeah … and money) on Ebay and Amazon, both here in US and in Europe. Have been slowing down for the past several months, but, always still looking for deals and classic old movies, etc.
So … post YOUR collections … let everyone see what you’re doing. In the past, I’ve changed how I was doing my collection after seeing how others did theirs. Everyone has to start somewhere!


My Collection