Should the Creator folders and Top Creators in Stats include the Editor role?

Recent discussion in the CLZ Comics group on Facebook showed that many users are annoyed by the inclusion of Editors in the Top Creator stats and when foldering by Creator.

What do you think? How to resolve this?

From the Facebook discussion so we don’t lose it, Sytske posted this:

Now, a quick response from CLZ Alwin about the above:

  • In the app, there is a creator list field, that lists all people that worked on a comic. One of the “roles” there is the Editor role, it is part of the creator field.
  • So technically, if you folder by Creator or when you look at the top Creators under Stats, the Editor is included.

I fully understand this is not what most of you want, so let’s come up with a solution. I see several solutions:

  1. Super simple: in the Top Creator stats and when grouping by into Creator folders, just IGNORE the editor role. Super easy 5-minute fix. Could be live this week.
  2. Add an extra folder option, NEXT to the Creators option, that excludes the Editor role. Not sure how to name it yet, maybe something like Creatives, or “Artists/Writers”. Would love to hear your suggestions at Club CLZ.
  3. Add extra folder options for “All Artists” and “All Writers” ? Could be an nice one anyway.

Personally, if I’m doing the “Top creators”, I’d love a pick list so i can turn on/off any of the various creator roles from the top creator calculation.

I think most people would turn off Editor.
I’d also turn of letterer and colorist (if theyre in there)

I’d mostly want writers and artists… but by deciding which I select I can make it JUST top writer or JUST top Artists or a combo or whatever.

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I agree with Bob.

While the editors and there to oversee the creation of comics, the Creators sort is rendered useless as we’re all going to have editors from series groups we connect.

Most people would want Writers/pencillers/inkers

Subjectively some may want to include letters or Colourists.

Personally I wouldn’t want Cover artists in my creator search.

Could a solution be to select from a checklist of creators for a personal search function.?

Or a search that searches multiple creator categories?

I think having a setting for this would be a bit overkill, as most people apparently just do not want to see Editors.

We were working on a CLZ Comics update anyway, so the upcoming update will have a solution for this:


  • the “Comics by Creator” chart will be removed
  • a new chart will be added “Comics by Artist”, which will count all artist type roles, like artist, cover artist, inker, penciler, colorist, painter, etc…
  • another new chart will be added “Comics by Writer”, which will count all writer roles, so writer, plotter and scripter


  • a new folder option will be added for All Artists

Just a note: I fully understand the complaints and I fully understand why this needs to be changed.
But what I am utterly surprised about is that this only comes up now, like 23 years after we came up with the Creator system.
I mean, for 23 years our comic software has had a field called “Creators”, that lists ALL people that worked on the comic and the Editor roles have always been included under this Creator heading, in the Edit screen, in the details page for a comic, in the foldering, etc…
Never ever during those years has someone commented or complained or even hinted “hey guys, you should separate out the Editors, as these editor people are generally not seen as creators”.

So all these years, Editor and Editor in Chief have always just been included in the list of possible roles for creators, amongst the artists, the pencilers, the painters, the colorists, the writers, etc…
No one cared.

And then this week one guy posts in the Facebook group that it annoys him that in the Statistics screen, the top creator chart also includes editors, and suddenly everyone agrees and states that they are just as irritated about that.

If everyone hated this so much, through all these years, why did we not hear from anyone about this? I guess what frustrates me most is that the solution for this really is what we programmers call a “5 minute fix”. So if we would have know this was such a major annoyance, we could have fixed this 20 years ago :slight_smile:

(oh… and what also annoys me is that this was posted on the Facebook group. With AJ and me not being on Facebook anymore, it is immensely frustrating to not be able to join the discussion)

Oh well, at least now we know and now we’ll fix.

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