Signed books

Is there a feature to show whether books have been signed by the author? It is increasingly common and can (sometimes) add value, but mainly adds interest. I think an additional tickbox to show a book signed by the author in the Personal section would be a cool new feature. Unless it is there already and I can’t find it?

There is indeed a feature for this!

It’s in the Personal section, and the field is called “Signed by”

It’s not a tick box, you actually have to specify who signed the book, and later, you can “Foldergroup” by “Signed by” and perhaps find all those books that were signed by the same person :slight_smile:

Let me know what you think!

Thanks for the reply. I have seen that, but given that nearly all signed books are signed by the author, having a tick-box would be much more convenient and relevant.

I can see the value of the ‘Signed By’ feature where someone other than the author signs it.

Hm alright. I’m afraid just a tick box is not going to happen. If you don’t wish to fill in a name, you could just put in the name of “Signed” or “Author” and “always choose that” for the “Signed by” field. Would be almost as fast as a tickbox. Hope you can make it work!

Or, just create a Tag called Signed?

I would love to see the addition of an icon indicating that a book is signed, similar to how CLZ Comics has one to indicate when a comic is slabbed and by which grading company. Perhaps a few options of this? Signed, first edition, signed first edition, etc. I feel like the ground work for that is already there with something similar already being a feature in Comics and would be relatively easy to implement.

Thanks all, very helpful comments and workable solutions. While a tick box remains on my personal wishlist, the tag suggestion works well both for signed and first edition. Plus it then shows up on the books ‘Home’ page, which is where it needs to be. So the solution is there, just in a different way to one I envisaged.

Hello all,

apologies if this was answered elsewhere! I have added names of people who have autographed books for me under “Personal/Notes”. Now I see the Signed By box exists. My question: is there a way to take ALL names I have listed in my “Authors” category (nearly 10,000; this is comic trades etc and I have categories for creators marked as ‘writer’/‘penciller’ or etc) and copy that list to my “Signed By” choices? I have nearly about 400 books to mark, some with multiple names, and all of those names have already been included in the “Authors” category. I only have the Mobile, by the way.
Please let me know if a list can be duplicated (a list from a CATEGORY; not a list of BOOKS) and added to a different category.

Thanks for any guidance!

I’m afraid it is not possible to copy field data from one field to another. And the Signed By is its own pick list (so you don’t make the author list dirty with signees that aren’t authors, or signees who don’t belong in other pick lists).

I recommend just typing them in.