Signed up for bundle / renew

I signed up for the bundle to take advantage of your current prices before you raise them; I have separate products now; will the bundle renewal take over and extend my subscription when my current products end?

The bundle is just a discount, nothing else.
You are still getting separate subscriptions for each of the products in the bundle.

Does that answer your question?

yes I think so - so to clarify, it will it extend my current subscription

Yes, it will.

Similar question. I started with the CLZ app through a Google Play subscription. I later added Connect separately. My CLZ sub is expiring on Jul 8 while my Connect sub will be good through Sep 7.

What’s the “right” way to switch to the bundle? Do I need to cancel/let the Google Play sub first and then pick up the bundle through your site?

If I understand the prior response, a bundle purchase would give me a new/restored CLZ sub through Jul 2025 and extend Connect through Sep 2025 with both renewing through your site going forward.

For this more complex situation I would recommend contacting us directly so we can help you personally with your situation!

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