Skybound G.I. Joe A Real America Hero Kickstarter

I was wondering if you all had the Skybound G.I. Joe A Real America Hero Kickstarter compendiums (vol. 1 thru 4, hardcovers, 2 covers for each volume) and exclusive reprints (marvel reprints, 2 of #21, special #1 and Yearbook #1) on your radar to be added to the CLZ database. If they are there they are eluding me so far…


If you notice we are missing comics please feel free to report them here.

From the Skybound Kickstarter there are the following:

G.I. Joe Hardcover set (blue)

  • Vol 1a
  • Vol 1b (signed bookplate #1)
  • Vol 1c (signed bookplate #2)
  • Vol 2
  • Vol 3
  • Vol 4

Cobra Hardcover set (red)

  • Vol 1a
  • Vol 1b (signed bookplate #1)
  • Vol 1c (signed bookplate #2)
  • Vol 2
  • Vol 3
  • Vol 4

Reprints of Marvel issues

  • G.I. Joe Yearbook #1
  • G.I. Joe Special #1
  • G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #21 (Storm Shadow cover)
  • G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #21 (black and white Storm Shadow cover)

Note that the 2 hardcover sets are the same except for the covers so they could be listed like this:

  • Vol 1a (G.I. Joe blue)
  • Vol 1b (Cobra red)
  • Vol 1c (G.I. Joe blue signed bookplate #1)
  • Vol 1d (G.I. Joe blue signed bookplate #2)
  • Vol 1e (Cobra red signed bookplate #1)
  • Vol 1f (Cobra red signed bookplate #2)
  • Vol 2a (G.I. Joe blue)
  • Vol 2b (Cobra red)
  • Vol 3a (G.I. Joe blue)
  • Vol 3b (Cobra red)
  • Vol 4a (G.I. Joe blue)
  • Vol 4b (Cobra red)

I did find an entry for the retailer release for vol.1 so all of these may just need added to that one as extra volumes.

Not sure where the Marvel reprints should fall. The #21 issues could be under Skybound’s continuation of that series but I’m not sure about the Yearbook and Special.


But do you have a link to a site that shows these maybe? I appreciate the reply but I can’t do anything with this unfortunately.

With ‘report them here’ I actually meant reporting them in such a clear way, like other users around here do for example, with proper covers and issue related information (name of publisher, date of release, name of cover artist e.g.), so we can add them to Core.

My apologies. I’ll get some more info added on these. I forgot how we used to add the missing issues on the forum. I haven’t done this since you all used the old forums for submissions a long time ago and I was working through adding all of my comics to your software! Lol

Added note, all of these are through the Kickstarter so I should be able to get info from their campaign page.