Specific Collection Sharing

Hopefully I can explain this properly.

Rather than send a person a list of comics I have to sell, is there a way I can send a link to a specific collection (called FOR SALE for example)? And when they are viewing that specific collection, they cannot see the other collection tabs I have.


You can’t send a specific collection like so, but what you can do is :

  • create multiple collections, and call one “for sale” (menu top left, Manage Collections)
  • put in all your for sale comics in that collection
  • then, in menu top left > Cloud Sharing, put all sub collections to “Private”, except your For Sale collection.
  • Share your cloud link (also found in that screen) with people who you wish to show that only public “For Sale” collection.

Because the others would be private, they won’t be able to see that collection.

That is the only way right now. I hope this helps a little bit?

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I’ll give it a go! :slight_smile:

Does the other person need the app?
