Statistics view has wrong number of albums

When I view the number of albums on Music Collector, Music Connect, or CLZ Music, it tells me I have 4310 albums. When I view Statistics on any of those platforms, it says I have 4308.

On the left hand panel on the main screen, it says I have 1398 jazz albums and 327 R&B/Soul albums. When I check statistics, it says I have 1397 jazz albums and 326 R&B/Soul albums.

When I look at artists, it says I have 309 albums by Various on the left hand panel on the main screen. When I check statistics, it says I have 308 albums by Various. Any idea what could cause this, and how to fix it?

Do you have any albums marked as “on order,” “on wishlist,” “sold,” or “not in collection”? None of those will be included in statistics even though they’re still on your list and will show in the total albums.

Please note that the Statistics screen:

  • only shows items that are marked as “In Collection” or “For Sale”. It excludes “wish list” and “on order” items
  • takes the Quantity field into account.

I recommend checking your collection for items on wish list, or with Quantity set to something other than 1.