Storage Box Sorting

I was wondering how the sorting feature works for storage boxes. I have all the boxes numbered but some in parentheses next to the number might have something additional like if it’s a graded box or if the box is one of those decorated boxes like Spider-man so the parentheses helps me find the box easier. I thought when I would sort from z-a it would show me my highest numbered box first and so forth but it just mixes them up and I don’t know why/how it’s doing this. Let me know what to do so I can have it sort properly. I hate having to scroll all the way down sometimes to get into a box (first world problems).

Looking at your screenshot, you are sorting by the Count, so with the biggest numbers at the top.

Well that makes sense! I thought the button next to the down arrow AZ was the opposite. Can I add a ZA button?

Sorry, there is no Z-A option.
It is either A-Z alphabetically, or by count in descending order.

Have you tried using the search box at the top?