Submit Comics does not work properly

I tried to update a issue to the serie L’Uomo Ragno, Vol. 4 [IT] but something is not working.
The issue is 79/788B. It exists but when the window of core opens it says: You are submitting a new variant for L’Uomo Ragno, Vol. 4 [IT] #788.
It should show the issue with the info that you already have and the new info with te green arrow, isn’t it?

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A post was split to a new topic: Submitted comics still not authenticated

This happens when either the Variant, Barcode or Variant Description you submit is different from what we have.
In that case, there is a risk that you may be overwriting a variant with info from a different variant, so we automatically unlink your entry.


Does it happens with issues that are correctly linked also?
I also tried with single issues that do not have variants and I have the same problem.

Yes, especially with those.
Make sure you do not touch the Variant Letter, or Variant Description or Barcode and then it will submit as a correction to the existing variant.

I am pretty sure I did not touch anything except the cover fields to add the picture files. I will check again later and let you know

Looking at your screenshot, you submitted a different barcode.
For that comics, we have 9771124226904 listed as the barcode.
You submitted barcode 9788828710660