On mobile when I use update from Core in almost all cases the covers are replaced, but sometimes they will not be replaced.
The Update from Core Settings on mobile also explicitly say “Front Cover” | Replace. So I expect the front cover to be replaced.
So I cannot follow your statement based on what I see.
Barcode 8717418606480 is now not updating on mobile. The movie poster is over there and the correct cover is not placed. Works find on desktop and web shows correct cover.
Barcode 9789493348417 also gave me troubles. I think it is similar to my Bloodshot example.
Web shows this:
Submit window shows this:
Then I noticed that somehow my desktop client has the ‘Custom Cover’ checkbox with the yellow cover/poster. That would explain why the web shows something different compared to the submit window. However on the desktop app I updated from core to replace the image with the red cover. That worked fine. Then I noticed the ‘Custom Cover’ is still turned on. I did not expect this since I updated from Core. So by definition it is not custom anymore:
Then I unticked the ‘Custom Cover’ checkbox. Then Synced with cloud. Now the web app still thinks I have a custom cover because it is not replaced with the red cover. It is still showing the yellow cover:
Why is it not switching to the core cover?
I left this example for you to check. I also did not fix it on mobile because that will trigger another sync.
It is weird my desktop client thinks this was a custom cover because I never use such covers as custom cover. If I use a custom cover it is by definition not a movie poster.
Another example is barcode 9789461875266 (Den of Thieves). I think I closely watched what is happening. Cover in web en desktop are the same:
It is not marked as Custom Cover in desktop nor mobile app. Never has been a custom cover, but the cover is not replaced on mobile when updating from Core.
Another example I would say comes also close to my Bloodshot example (but because I didn’t notice on time I resolved the issue) is with Destroyer (9789461876348). Desktop shows a poster with ‘Custom Image’ checked. The mobile also shows a cover with Custom Image checked. But it is not the poster like on the desktop. It is a cover image, but different from Core.
So Core shows this:
Web shows this:
but I think it shows this as a custom cover because the mobile version has the same cover but with the custom checkbox ticked:
Desktop showed the yellow general poster with custom checkbox ticked. How it is possible?
The cover on mobile is still marked as Custom Image, when I Update from Core the same thing happens as with another example. No updates / no cover being replaced:
So what the hell is going on? I never upload covers from my mobile because it is a complete nightmare to do so. Desktop and Mobile both had the custom checkbox ticked, and both showed a different picture… I would expect only 1 custom cover, not 2 different ones?
Then I unticked the Custom Image checkbox on mobile and Updated from Core again. Now the cover is being replaced !
Now I sync mobile to cloud and the web still shows the old custom image. So desktop and mobile both have the Custom Cover unchecked and both show the cover that is pulled from Core, but the web still shows the wrong cover.
I do not understand you think:
Trust me, for most users this works exactly how one would expect
This is in my opinion not how someone would it expect it to work.
I could follow the idea when Custom Image checkbox is checked you will not replace the image (makes sense) when you update from Core. However on Desktop the behavior is different. Regardless if it is custom or not, if you say Replace current data for your Front Cover it is replaced anyway (on desktop). So the behaviour is different between Mobile and Desktop. Very confusing. Also in the example above with the movie Den of Thieves the custom image checkbox is NOT checked on mobile, but also not replacing the image. That makes it even more confusing about what is happening.
If I may give you a suggestion:
When the Cover is replaced by Core: uncheck Custom Cover (because by definition it is not custom anymore). Do this for Mobile and Desktop. And sync the status of custom cover correctly to the cloud so the web switches back to the standard cover when it is not a custom cover anymore. (I expect that there is a bug somewhere in your system, based on what I experience with my examples)
When you do it the other way around. So selecting a custom cover by browsing it or choosing one from Find Online it does check the Custom Cover checkbox.
Other examples on mobile which do not replace the cover:
8712626034483 (part of a box set, but with it’s own connection to the correct CLZ Media ID)
8712626034490 (part of a box set, but with it’s own connection to the correct CLZ Media ID)
Not sure yet if this is a problem with boxset only. Have to find out. In anther boxset the same problem where the cover is not replaced. Works find on Desktop and web but looks like it doesn’t work properly on mobile. However barcode 5039036057622 is also part of a boxset but that cover is replaced on mobile while the other examples won’t replace the cover…
Sorry for the long reply
I even put 1,5 hours writing this post with detailed examples. That is how dedicated I am