The Hour of the Dragon

Title: The Hour of the Dragon

Author: Robert E. Howard

ISBN: none

Pages: 288

Format: Hardcover

Publisher: Chenault & Gary Publishing LLC

Publication Date: 2023

Series: Conan

Country: USA

Language: English

Genre: Adventure

Subject: Action, Fantasy Fiction

Printed by: Chenault & Gary Publishing LLC

Printing #: First

First Edition: Yes

Width: 150cm or 6 inches

Height: 222cm or 8.75 inches

Cover Price: $25.00 USD


This is the original and unadulterated text as written by Robert E. Howard. Previously published under the title, Conan the Conqueror by several different publishers and editors.

King Conan’s Kingdom of Aquilonia is attached by enemy nations using dark magics of a reincarnated sorcery forcing Conan into some of the darkest pits of Hell in the Hyborian Age.

front cover

back cover

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