Title Sort not syncing

NEW USER ALERT! Please excuse my ignoracnce

I just subscribed to CLZ Movies (app and PC) and I’m starting the lengthy process of entering my collection. I have entered 70 titles so far and I have noticed a glaring problem. The “Title Sort” field doesn’t always sync with the cloud. I entered all of the movies using the android app and synced to the cloud. When I synced on my PC to get all the entries, several of the “Title Sort” fields that I entered on my phone were now blank. I then tried fixing it all on my PC and syncing that way. I completely cleared the cloud and phone app databases, synced from the PC to the cloud, and then to the app. Again, several “Title Sort” fields were now blank. Is there any way to avoid this issue? I am very particular with my organization and rely HEAVILY on that field. Also, how can I tell if other fields are not being properly synced? If I have to meticulously check every individual profile every time, the cloud sync is completely worthless. Thank you in advance for any help!

The Title Sort field does sync of course. However: if the “title sort” is the same as your “title” - then our CLZ Cloud will strip it as it is not needed.

And, if the “title sort” is empty, it will use the “title” to sort your movie.

Could this be the case for you?

This is a strange question to me. I’m not sure how we would introduce a feature to “tell you that a field is not properly synced” - because the goal is that everything is properly synced, and it probably is too. I wouldn’t worry too much about this.

Aha!! That’s the common factor! Thank you! I was going insane over here. I suppose I will just have to add an arbitrary additional character to the Title Sort field to ensure it gets synced properly. While you and the software deem it “not needed,” I would like it synced regardless. I appreciate your quick reply!

Except that it literally isn’t properly synced, as you described in your first reply. The “Title Sort” field is NOT simply synced. It is checked against the “Title” field and discarded as the software sees fit. Again, now that I know the issue, I will create a simple workaround. No big deal. Thank you for your help in this matter.

Alright, good. Everything then works as intended. The mobile app and desktop version should probably work the same way (stripping the sort title if it is the same as the title - or put it in “grayed out” as a sort of “ghost entry” since it doesn’t do anything anyway :slight_smile:

I would still like to know why you feel the need to have the title sort/title in both fields if they are exactly the same, as it doesn’t do anything?

Yes, everything is working as designed. I just couldn’t figure out the common factor of the ones getting the Title Sort field deleted. I now add an asterisk to the end of every sort title to avoid it.

Since you asked, I would prefer to sort using 1 field instead of multiple fields, especially when reassigning the index numbers. If I know that it’s sorting based on the field that I personally entered, I can be 100% sure it will be sorted the way I would like it to be.

To be honest, I find it a little strange that the Title Sort field is the only field that isn’t backed up to the cloud. I can change any other field and the change will remain. If the the main database has that field blank, for redundancy or any other reason, so be it. However, as a user, once I change it locally, I don’t understand why it wouldn’t remain changed locally. The redundancy is irrelevant to me if it’s how I want it.

Again, it’s no big deal. It’s just a tiny detail. Once you explained what’s causing the field deletion, I employed a simple workaround. I really do appreciate your quick reply!

It’s just one of many growing pains I’m experiencing in switching from the software I’ve been using for over 10 years to CLZ. I signed up for a year of CLZ. My plan is to maintain both databases for a year and see which software I prefer. It’s been a steep uphill climb so far, but I really hope CLZ comes out on top in the end.

Thanks again!

Thanks for your reply, and thanks for signing up for a year!

Also I’m happy you have found a way that will make everything work for you of course.

That said, I do want to explain a bit further, because I think it is important to understand some things here:

Re-assign index numbers
When you re-assign index numbers, you can use the title field and it will use title sort if it is filled in, and title if it is not filled in, which basically gives you exactly the result you need.

About index numbers

What do you use the index numbers/re-assign index numbers for exactly?

This is how the index field works when all settings are default:

  • People use the Index numbers for stuff like putting stickers with a number on their DVDs/Blurays etc (to easily locate them in their movie room). Therefor, each Index number is only used Once.
  • When a number is deleted, the next added movie will still increment on the last added movie.
  • If you have #s 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
  • You delete #4
  • The next movie you add will automatically be #11. #4 will not return.

That way the stickers you put on the movies will stay correct. That is what the index field was originally for (and some users still use it for that of course!). And for that purpose, using re-indexing would be very dangerous (and not useful).

If you merely are looking for a way to sort by order of entry, using the sort option to sort by “date/time added” is the way to go.

If you want to know how many movies you have, the totals/statistics is the way to go.

Of course there are users that use it like “I just like the numbers to run from 1 to 100 etc.”, and for those the re-assign index fields has been introduced. But I’m just saying that there might be a point to reconsider using the index field at all (it would also save you the “work” of using the “re-assign index fields” feature, and the head ache if something would go wrong with it).

We have at some point also considered to introduce “row numbers” for each row so you never have to bother with index numbers, and everything always runs from 1-100 etc.

I sent a reply to the support email address explaining further.