Two Phones

I have my CLZ app on two phones but one of the phones has fewer comics listed in many folders. I think it occurred when I first started uploading from the cloud on the second phone. How can I get both of them to totally sync up please?

Thank you

I’m seeing 322 comics in your CLZ Cloud.

If you open the sync screen on both your phones (disable “auto-sync” right now if it is switched on), do you see any syncs pending?

If both devices are completely in sync, you might have a filter on on one of the phones?

In the app, maybe you have a search active, or a collection status filter?

Check the top right of the app, does it show a search box there with and old search that you may have done earlier? If so, tap the “x” on the far right of that box to clear that search

Collection status filter:
In the top bar of the app, check the 2nd button from the top right. Is that a brightly colored button, e.g. yellow, or green, or red? That indicates that you have a collection status filter active. To disable the filter, tap that button and select “All” from the dropdown menu.

If it did not work, can you show me a full screenshot of the app’s main screen on both of your devices?

I did all you mentioned. Auto sync turn off didn’t show anything pending. There was no active search and nothing lit up any color in the upper right hand corner. I think what may have happened is that I added the app to my second phone maybe a month after the first and I accidentally cleared the cloud? Idk
Sending screenshots.

Your CLOUD on our server shows 322 comics.

Your first screenshot shows 564 comics.

Your second screenshot shows 336 comics.

That seems way way wrong.

Are you sure you’re logged in with the same username//email if you check your menu top left?

(You could just do a resync from the 564 comics phone, but I would definitely first verify if you’re logged in to the same account)

I suspect you are correct about the accounts. I tried to change the password and username on the account with the 564 comics (the main account on the main phone I use and got this email:

I just did a username and password change on the phone with the 336 comics yesterday trying to get the two to sync. I don’t remember the password on the phone with the 564 comments so I can’t just log in to that account on the other phone.
What can I do?

Also, the phone with the 336 comments says it’s not a paid account if that makes sense. The subscription is on the phone with the 564 comics.

I figured out the issue. Somehow, totally my fault, the email address my account is set up on is no longer linked to the app. Now, when I try to add a comic (just to test cloud sync), I get the message that the account "isn’t set up to this email address: my personal email address. I set the account up on my work phone and a work email address ( I suppose I just need the app I’m using to recognize that it’s my account. When I tried to change it back to the work email address, I get the message that “this account already exists”. Best case scenario would be if I could get the account to recognize me through my personal email address ( Is that possible?

Thank you very much for your help!

I just re-logged in wth my original account credentials which I pulled out of deleted texts. I believe I’m good to go. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for looking into it.

Awesome, good to hear you’re good to go. If you need any assistance with an account, feel free to contact us through here: