Ultimate Spider-Man, Vol2

When I try to ADD series and I have it highlighted, it always shows up as Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Vol2. I have to manually change to the title and I can add it.

I have added what it shows up in series list. When I click “ADD COMICS”, the screenshot for it here which shows the wrong series.

I screen-shot what I have to do to get the right comic series to be entered.

I looked into this and I believe this happened because of an old search alias that was added to the series Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Vol. 2, in order to make this particular series more findable at the time.

That search alias was ‘Ultimate Spider-Man, Vol. 2’, which by coincidence also happens to be the name of the new ongoing series published early this year.

Feel free to let me know if this solved it.

It affects both Ultimate Comics Spider-Man and Ultimate Comics X-Men v2 series too. Is it something that you did on your end to fix it.


It looks like your CLZ ID for
Ultimate Spider-Man, Vol 2 is linking to our Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Vol. 2.

Something similar is happening for the X-Men one.

Here’s what to try:

  1. Open menu Edit > Manage Pick Lists.

  2. Go to “Series”

  3. Find the series that is opening the wrong series in the add screen.

  4. Right click on it and select Edit

  5. Now click the “Clear CLZ ID” button.

  6. Now close the popups, go to the series in your main screen and right click on one of the Ultimate Spider-Man, Vol. 2 comics, and hit Update from Core, then on SERIES field select REPLACE, then update 1 comic from that series. That will fix it for the entire series.


@CLZ_AJ Thank you. That fixed it.

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