Unable to search or sync from Book Collector - Error 11001

I think the CLZ Core might be down. I am unable to search for books. Neither ISBN or Author/Title search works. Then both give an 11001 error. When I try to sync my books to the cloud, I get a prompt that I need to be logged into my account (which normally is done automatically) and when I try to log in, I get the following message - Error while connecting to server: 11001: [11001] Host not found. I can log in to my account on the CLZ website, but can someone verify that the core is down/offline?


Quick update - I tried to ping collectorz.com (which is what the user login says it is trying to connect to) and it returns host not found

Never mind - turns out I had a DNS problem with my router. Sorry for the bother!

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Good to hear you got it resolved in the end, thanks for updating your post!