[Updated] Missing Eps. - The New Mike Hammer (Via Vision)

Hello. The entry for the Via Vision Australia release of The New Mike Hammer contains no episode listing. The release contains the first two TV movies as well as S1 & S2 ONLY of the The New Mike Hammer. S3 was released separately. All IMDb are linked above. Thanks!


Forgot to include UPC - 9337369026466

Also, though title is listed as The New Mike Hammer on IMDb it is The Complete Mike Hammer on Via Vison release. Somewhat funny considering it is NOT the complete series by any stretch. Thanks for your attention.

Updated in CORE.
Thank you for reporting :slight_smile:

Martin, I’m not seeing individual episode listings for S1 or S2 yet. I’ve deleted and rescanned to no avail. Am I missing something? Thank you in advance.

Everything is fine in CORE, so completely remove the old entry from your database and re-add the box set with a barcode search. Also, make sure you add the box set as four entries so that the seasons are separate.