User Defined Fields - Possible to Synch across Windows Devices?

I have been using Movie Collector (Windows) software for years. I created a bunch of User Defined Fields on an earlier PC but it seems the tab is no longer available when I access my database in WIndows (maybe it was on an older PC where I created the fields but I doubt it). Long story short, I now have three PCs running Movie Collector (Windows) and none of them is showing my User Defined Fields tab. Is there any way to resurrect the fields? It is kind of important as I used the fields to track where I had stored each movie (I have more than 11,000…)

User Defined Fields do not sync through CLZ Cloud.

You can create them through menu Tools > User Defined Fields.

But you said you’re using the field to track where you stored each movie…I would strongly advise to use the “Location” field to track the Location of your movie.

That field also syncs through CLZ Cloud!

And if you had more user defined fields, perhaps you could use the “Tags” field for those?

Thanks so much for responding. Though not the answer I was hoping for.

Wasn’t sure if the synching between Movie Collector for Windows was via CLZ Cloud product but all good - makes sense now I think about it.

My storage is more complicated than Location permits (multiple variables) but looks like I’ll need to input the data again so perhaps time for a new unique coding system or I can use multiple Tags (I’d been limiting use of Tags to other purposes).

I also used UDF for other reasons, e.g. alternate film titles and unique collection details, but I guess I need to enter that data again too so maybe Tags is my new friend :slight_smile:

There are many fields you might be able to repurpose for your needs.

In the Edit Screen you have 2 more fields for Location, other than Location. Namely Storage Device, and Slot. Found on the episodes/features tab, at the bottom.

You might be able to repurpose those too.

I’m curious about your complicated storage system though! If you’d care to explain I might be able to think of other suggestions.

And tags. Yes. Tags!

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