Using multiple country audience ratings?

Anyone know if here is a way to turn on ALL Countries Audience Ratings rather than just country specific? I purchase from international and would like this option. I have been adding them manually but its a pain to do this for all the variables…

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What is the end goal exactly here? Am I right in understanding you wish to have all audience ratings for all countries for all your movies?

(Can you explain why you need this?)

AJ, I collect from international and would like this option much the same as being able to utilize multiple languages and countries. Also, some country editions vary in content and its another viewing selection criteria.

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I understand other editions might have other content, I was wondering if you want to have “all audience ratings” from all countries, for 1 single entry, or do you just want to have the audience rating for the country from which your edition is from?

In either case it is not possible to just switch that on in the program, I understand your need, and I’ve taken note, but I’m not sure if it is quite a common thing, my apologies.

Can’t hurt to ask. Is there the ability to “edit” the region?

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I see you also asked us this through email back in 2022!

But no, afraid not, the region there is an internal field.
But then again, that Region is not used anywhere for grouping/sort options anyway, so there’s no need to edit it. Or show it there even… I suppose.

Getting the audience rating of the region of a specific edition would be great! I’m editing this manually for now, which is a bit of a hassle. It seems, that the ratings (with icon) from core are only added, after a profile with this specific rating was added.

Would it be possible to get the complete list of audience ratings in collector? Also, could you add additional ratings with icons, like from Hong Kong, Czech or Switzerland?

It seems, that the ratings (with icon) from core are only added, after a profile with this specific rating was added.

Yes, that is true. Some ratings will only be added once a movie with that rating is added. I wouldn’t worry about this.

Would it be possible to get the complete list of audience ratings in collector?

I’m afraid not, unless I grab it from our Core online database.

Also, could you add additional ratings with icons, like from Hong Kong, Czech or Switzerland?

I could, of course, but I’m not sure if I should be spending my time right now to creating more rating images. We currently even have ratings in there without icons but I really never hear questions about it (I get the feeling we’re serving just about “most” of what people need, and for others you can add them yourself on Windows)

I was hoping CLZ would add an Audience “ALL” Region, but it appears they will not. Guess I’ll have to continue to manually add any ratings that are not part of the ‘picked (US) list’. Maybe one day CLZ will open this up for us.


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Is there a future proof option to add ratings in a way, that they get icons automatically in the future? I understand, it’s not useful to put in a core error for a missing rating.

Yeah that is just the dropdown to select from which region the Audience Ratings should download.

It really has nothing to do with what you see in the Manage Pick List, and I feel we should not even show that column there.

Or were you pointing out something else?

I’m not sure what your image and the circle says?

No there is not, but don’t worry about it, if we do decide to add Swiss audience ratings, you can simply merge them into ours if we do name them differently.

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Thanks! That’s what I do too.

I’ll continue adding ratings as is then. It would still be great, if all available ratings in core could be obtained without profiles using them, like a full update of the list, not the profiles if that makes sense.

Sorry but I really do not understand why you would want all audience ratings we have in Core, I believe we have between 300/400 audience ratings in there.

I’m closing this topic, just add your own as you like, and merge them if we add them differently in the future!

As for adding “all audience ratings” per movie, I don’t think that is something I want to add to the software as an option.