Want list in app

Hi all,
Is there a way to find your Want List in the app?
I’ve received a bunch of comics i ordered that were on my want list (67 comics) and want to be able to skim my list and transfer them to my collection without adding each one individually again as i did when i added them to the want list.
Google tells me i can do it by desktop but that’s not handy when I’m not near my pc

Hi @Batman69

To view your “Wish List” comics, tap the icon top right that is shaped like a little funnel (3 horizontal stripes, 2nd from right). Then tap Wish List, and you can see all your wish list comics.

Or tap “ALL” to see all comics again

(see, top right!)

That said, if you just add the comics you got, the app will ask you "hey you got this on your wish list, would you like to “move it to your Collection?”

Let me know if that worked out for you!

Worked a treat, many thanks

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