
Hi Everyone,

nice to be here :smiley:


DWB from USA

Hello to you Raph-59

Hi Ralph, welcome to the Club!

Hi everyone from Portland Oregon USA. I catalogued all my CDs during the pandemic - LPs still need to be entered.

Hello all, I’m an old feller from Michigan, USA. Been using MusicCollector for way more than a decade. I LOVE THIS APPLICATION. I wrote my first catalog for albums in BASIC in 1984 and then re-wrote it in MS Access and SQL as the years went on, but once I found MusicCollector, I threw away what I had written and never looked back. I cannot say how much I appreciate this program. I just hope the desktop app never goes away.

Looking forward to see what this board has to offer in the future


Hey @ekilgore,

Me too! Like you, when I started collecting again 4 years ago I contemplated building my own until I found this platform. It didn’t take too long to figure out that MusicCollector was the best way to go.

I’d drink to that!! :beer:


I wrote my first catalog for albums in BASIC in 1984 and then re-wrote it in MS Access and SQL as the years went on …

That’s what Alwin did. And look at him now! An internationally-renowned entrepreneur!
You just didn’t stay with it long enough (or lived in The Netherlands).

I was born in pdx. Went to Florida and now live in Alabama.

Spent many an hour at Longhair Records (RIP) and Music Millennium!

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Did something similar but way before databases back in the late 70s. Fast forward to 80s, I built a list on a Palm Pilot.

Took forever to find a good app but I’m here now!

Excellent, excellent tool… love its flexibility! :+1:t4: :heart_eyes: