What ar these comic book sleeves called?

Can anyone tell me what type of comic book sleeves, these are and if they are still available?

E. Gerber used to call these “Snugs” but changed the name to “Archives.” It’s a 4mil mylar bag with “two non-foldable flaps” instead of the traditional one flap.

I’m sure other companies have similar products.

Thank you for the info.
At one point I used a lot of them on my books, all the books in these sleeves held up extremely well condition wise. I’m thinking maybe because the books were in the sleeves were able to “breathe” yet still be protected, unlike sealing theme the other mylar bags.

Ha! Every time I’ve gotten one of these from someone else the non-foldable flaps were folded down :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Those 4mil bags are pretty rigid. That would take more effort to fold over than I am willing to spend. If I want closed bags I just use 2mil with a single flap.