What are you doing with covers?

I read that you use a cover correcting tool to correct lots of covers or add missing covers. I am also investing some time to get the right covers in my collection. Currently mainly focusing on replacing the ones where you fixed them.

I see a lot of corrections so I can update a lot of them in my collection. I also see where it went into the wrong direction:

  1. There was a correct cover, but now it is replaced with the wrong cover (wrong release)
  2. There was a higher quality cover in the past, now a lower quality
  3. First there was a nice quality cover, now a poor scan.
  4. First there was no cover, now the wrong cover is set (wrong release)
  5. Nice cover where an even better cover is available.

How does your process work? How is it possible the quality goes up on 1 part, but goes down for other covers? What are the rules you apply?

I have some examples, but I can find a lot of them in my database:

instead of this one:

(submitted this one to you).

Just 5 examples. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the effort. Multiple choices are debatable if I compare your new cover with the one I had in my database (never updated them from Core). But my main point is wrong covers.

Can you elaborate a litte bit about the choices and process? Looks like you prefer covers where the blu-ray or 4k blu-ray case is part of the cover. But other than that I don’t know how you decide.

How to I know you choose the right cover? Is there anything I can do? For example upload the correct one if it is the wrong one?

Great job so far !

I wondered this a long time ago when I first started databasing my collection. Then I got just got busy finding better quality pictures. The questions you ask I also ask of blu-ray.com because there are many on there that are quite atrocious. The real bug-bear on this is that I cannot always find HD quality covers for all films, people tell me that its because of licensing, but that makes no sense when there are so many where the cover is HD quality.


I compare it with my physical copy, and submit correction as needed.

I always replace my front covers with “custom” ones on Movie Collector to keep size and good quality consistent throughout my collection as well as on the net.

However, it seems like something has changed over time here at CLZ, as the search engine used for finding covers does not seem to work at finding rear covers as well as it used to. Most times I have to go fishing the internet or scan my own rear covers, to get the quality I desire.

I do remember a while back CLZ was looking for helpers to verify covers, maybe this is a result of the help? LOL

Agreed! I have submitted countless covers to them as well for replacement. They have never worried about where they originate from. They tend to use what Amazon has as a default source.

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We have multiple people checking thousands of covers per day, and unfortunately not everything will be correct. But we don’t need to have long discussions about that. If a cover is not good, report it and we will fix it. The fastest and easiest way. Thank you