Where are local links?

Hi -

I just tried this version with the try for 7 days option - and as far as I can tell it has most of the things I need.

The BIGGIE that I can’t seem to find - or that it doesn’t have - is that I can’t upload a receipt.

90% of the books I buy are signed and as a collector of signed first editions, I HAVE to have receipts for every purchase for provenance. I always added these to the Links tab - in the local files section.

If the web software doesn’t have a way for me to attach receipts, I cannot use it.

Sherri Reid

Update 12/1/24 - Today I added a couple of more books and here are the problems I had (maybe there are settings somewhere I couldn’t find to fix these issues???):

  1. Disappointed the added book doesn’t auto show up for you to continue to add things - instead you have to go find it.
    A) Still have problems with the search - after adding the book I went to the search and typed in Tys (first 3 letters of the author’s last name). The book came up in the search and when I clicked on view all results (twice I did this) - came up and said no book found.

  2. Twice I had to add things a 2nd time when making changes to a book:
    A) the cover
    B) A credit

  3. Somehow it created 2 books when I went to look at the book in the installed software?

  4. Adding a new credit doesn’t auto cap names for you.

  5. Found where i could change the prefill settings and add my own things. But when I say don’t show this screen when I add a book - the prefill items didn’t get added? And twice - I found the location was different in the prefill when I turned it on - to be a different location than what I had previously set it to.

  6. Condition in the online version is alphabetical. The desktop version goes from not so good to awesome in order regardless of the alphabetizing - this is better!

  7. Some things are not in the same place in the online version vs the desktop version. This is more of an annoyance - and if I continued to use this version - I would eventually get used to it.

But the first thing I wrote about yesterday is a HUGE thing for me - and if there isn’t a way to add my receipt then the online version is a no-go.
