I can’t find answer for my question anywhere, so I guess it is time to make a topic
When trying to add the game, by scanning the bar code, I can clearly see that I have the game (blue colour) or I do not (plain black), but if I try to add the game, that I have on my wishlist, it shows plain black, not yellow colour. If i type to add the same game manualy, I can clearly see it is a yellow text, same goes for checking the Value. If I use Check Value and scan the barcode It shows in yellow, but If i use “add game” it shows in black. I do not know if it is intended to be like that, or Im doing something wrong
Does your Tales of Xillia have a barcode in your collection?
Maybe that’s it that the add screen only verifies on barcode, while the check value doesn’t (which would be a bug)
Yes, you are correct. I imported the list from CSV, file ,and then linked them with core.
When I tried adding the game to collection, it showed black, but when I confirmed, it asked to replace it, so the game was recognized as the one on wishlist.