Would love a total number of all the comics I have in the app!

Love everything about the app, just works and simple and easy to navigate! Just one thing that would make it perfect for me if you would have a complete total of the comics I have in the app in the corner or on the side menu! That would be great!!

Thanks for your kind words, good to hear you love the app!

There are several spots where you can see the total number.

For instance, if you’re grouping by “Series” there is a line called “All Comics” at the top that shows a number.

If you tap on it, you can also see it at the top of the All Comics list!

Also: when you tap the menu top left, and then tap “Statistics” you can see the totals there too.

Does that help?

Omg yesss!!!:grin::grin::grin::grin: thank thank perfect , I going to be honest tried using that other app key collector comic app and I though it was a horrible application! Then a friend told me about yours!! And it just works!! :purple_heart::purple_heart::hugs:


One thing that needs to be added, this only applies to the collection. I have multiple collections and this is not accurate.

That is actually intentional. The numbers you see are always about the CURRENT collection.