Your latest pickups

Missed out so now the prices are ridiculous. :slight_smile:

Some PS1 Games today and an electronic game from 90โ€™s years.

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So many unusual PS1 games.
I love these electronic games. So many variants out there.

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Got this today, FF XV edition of a PS4 Slim.

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This PS4 is so beautiful, Iโ€™m doing the full set on this console.

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First Micro Vs system in my collection. :slight_smile: love these units.

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small portable console today

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Two new additions today.

Gamatic 2600, which is sadly dead on arrival. Very bad battery leakage has killed it. I see no way to fix. But at least i got the bad box

Also one of the most awesome accessories for the Wii, with the two games that support ut

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Great finds, I just received this book and it lists all the consoles released since 1974.

Capture dโ€™eฬcran 2024-12-21 aฬ€ 16.45.53