Your latest pickups

Hi, I share with you my latest pick ups since 2 weeks, this may give you ideas for your collections.

Looking forward to seeing yours :smile:

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Hi, new acquisitions today ; Thomson MO5 & TO7.

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Not the latest, but a while back i picked up this beauty of a package


Recently got my hands on the first fully Electronic Game.
a Mattel Auto Race.

Unit in great condition, but the box is sadly ripped here and there.

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Super, never seen.

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Silver Slim finally in CiB, together with an Intertron 2501 in great condition.
A 3006 PSP in red, but may seem like a reshell. looking more into it.

230 machines in working order and more to come.
Close to half of them in boxes with various completeness.

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My new acquisition , the Dragon 32

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Awesome :slight_smile: Such a cool machine :slight_smile:
I got the 64 but no box yet :s

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Another fun pickup.
TOMY Digital Diamond.

Ok box for its age. :slight_smile:

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Sharp MZ-800(821), loose but still a fun new system in my collection.

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Hello, new acquisition . Klervox TVG 621 , 1978.

The packaging isn’t good condition (sun fade).


Another electronic game.
Released in '91 so not that old.

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New Day, new addition to the collection
An Arcadia 2001 clone that i cannot find that much info on.
Astroidvision with 10 complete games. these will look good on the shelf.


Wow, it’s magnificent. I didn’t know.

Are the games listed on CLZ?

Yes, listed under Arcadia 2001 as far as i can tell.
Have’nt had time to add them yet. :slight_smile:

2 New additions to the collection today.
Sadly the handheld had major corrosion issues and does not work yet.

The Ronex works fine :slight_smile:

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New additions to the collection.
A bit rough Crimson Red PS3 Slim and a Atari 2600 jr Black Bar, seemingly with a limited release in Ireland.

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Double upload today.
My first Texas Instruments unit. :slight_smile:

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Wow , great acquisitions !!

For me, DualSense 30th anniversary.

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