Adding CD ID to album found by barcode

When scanning the CD to add an album, the core identified the wrong album. The CD contents were correct, but the Title and covers were wrong. I searched instead by the barcode, and the correct album was found. But because albums added by barcode don’t include the CD ID, it can’t be uploaded to the core. Is there any way to add the CD ID to the entry so that the core will accept corrections to the album information?

Yes there is, here’s how:

  1. Open the Edit Album screen of that album,
  2. Go to the tracks tab.
  3. Select the “disc”
  4. EDIT the disc.
  5. Put the CD, the actual CD, in your computers disc drive.
  6. Click “Rescan CD” or “Scan CD” (on Windows it’s the small CD icon button top right of the Edit Disc screen)
  7. The CDID is now entered, hit OK out of all the edit screens and try submitting it again.

Please note that you don’t have to submit to Core, it is optional.
You can of course add the CD to your personal collection and forget about submitting :slight_smile:


That worked absolutely perfectly. I couldn’t find it anywhere in the manual, so thanks very much for providing this information. (Frankly, there are a great number of tabs, buttons and other controls in the software that aren’t explained by the manual - this program is MUCH more powerful and flexible than the manual informs us of, but we can’t use controls we don’t even know are there, let alone how to use them. The manual seriously needs to be expanded, and have an index added. But thanks again.