CD/DVD and CD/BluRay

Is there a way to identify the tracks from a DVD or BluRay to a CD/DVD record in Music Collector during creation of that record.
Also, can the music file from a DVD be linked to the track entry in the same way that CD file can?

I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking, however Music Collector can not read a DVD or Blu-ray at all.

It can read CDs from your disc drive to identify which album it is and look it up in our online Core system.

And just adding this: Music Collector is also not a music file ripper.

I am aware that music collector does not read dvd or bluray but I was thinking that, if it was possible, you could consider revising the code so that it can read the tracklist from the dvd or bluray.
I say this as there is a massive increase in special editions which are CD/DVD, CD/Bluray combinations and it would be nice to be able to add them automatically rather than the lengthy process of adding them manually.
Just to be clear, I am in no way suggesting the app should include ripping functions.
As a regular contributor to the database, I have often felt it would be beneficial and rewarding to be able to automate the DVD Bluray listing.

Hello @UMGOWA! I guess you haven’t read this post from Alwin where he stated that the Windows software is (essentially) feature dead and may only be updated to keep it compatible with CLZ Core, CLZ Cloud and possible breaking Windows updates.

Apparently there isn’t interest, it’s become too difficult, and it’s not economically feasible, to improve it. The recommendation is to consider moving to the web and/or mobile platforms.

So, there’s no point in asking for code revisions that add new capabilities.

Alright, I understand the request. It is unlikely we’ll be able to add “track list reading” from Blu-rays/DVD. I don’t think software can actually read “tracklists” from a DVD (I believe we visited this topic years ago to take a look). But also because of what Sir-Spin-A-Lot said.

You might be able to find these track lists automatically if you search by Catalog Number, if you have one, on the Cat. No. tab. It might find your tracklist easier there so you don’t have to manually input them.

Thanks for the update, I now know how I stand as a PC user. I would point out that the way I envisaged adding disc info directly from the disc was to remedy the inability of the database to provide track listing of music dvd and bluray media using bar code or catalogue number. That is, unless someone like me has updated the database after manually inputting the data.
Finally, I see little point to the forum for Music Collector as we are all talking to each other with no meaningful backup from your guys whose focus is no longer on PC users.
Once again, thank you for time.

One new question. If I actually change to Web version, would there be facility to do what I originally asked, namely “track list music dvd and bluray”?

I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand what this is?

namely “track list music dvd and bluray”?

What exactly is that process? What do you do currently when you do this?

You have been answering my query as a Music Collector user but I am asking you if there is a way to get the track listings for music dvds and music blurays if I change to your flagship web-based version?

Music Collector and Music Connect both pull from our Core online database, the same one.

If you use Music Connect, just like with Music Collector, you can search our Core online database, find an album, and add it to your collection. The track list will also download, yes.

Does that answer the question?

Thanks, I think so but only if the data is complete.

I just had a go at scanning a DVD-A on CD-ID and it came up with the wrong title. Then I typed in the catalogue number and it provided the correct data - pretty impressive. I knew Carly Simon had No Secrets!

Thanks for the info, I’ll try it. Was this in Music Collector on a PC?
