CLZ App doesn’t ever load

Hello, I just downloaded the CLZ app onto my iPhone 15 and the app never fully loads (see screenshot). It just keeps spinning. I’ve tried to force close and tried deleting/reinstalling but nothing has worked so far. Does anyone have any idea of how I can get past this first screen? There is no way to exit out of it. Thanks!

Thanks for reporting this!

We’re experiencing some server issues and are working to get this resolved. My apologies for the temporary inconvenience!

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And I was wondering if it might have been server issues too. Thanks for the update! I’ll try again later.

It should work again now, can you give it a try? You may have to completely shut down the app (you know, slide it out of view) to make it go!

Let me know if it works for you please :slight_smile:

Everything is working now and I was able to get my sub started. Thank you!


Awesome, great to hear that :slight_smile: if you have any questions feel free to make a post of course!

Same thing is happening to me since the last iOS update.

This topic here was about an issue from a couple of weeks ago, so it’s likely not related.

Are you also on iOS?

Can you restart your phone and see if the problem goes away for you? If not, please let me know.

I am having this issue this morning. App will not load. Was working fine last night. Rebooted iPhone and the app came back up with my data. First time I’ve see this happen.

It’s not loading for me too.

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Restarting my phone didn’t help.

I’m on an iPhone 12
iOS 17.5.1
Clz app 9.3.3

I get the same screen as the above poster

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I’ve got this today as well. (sad face)

Same issue here. Probably a server issue.

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I’m on IOS and have restarted my device with no change. Spin-wheel is still displaying

We’re currently looking into this.
We have been able to reproduce a 7 second delay on a device with 500 comics.
Could be that the delay is (much) longer on larger databases.

In any case, we’re trying to fix this ASAP.

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Closing in… it seems to only happen for CovrPrice users.
We don’t know why yet…

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Was using my CLZ account this morning What?
Now I can’t seem to get back in. I’m wondering if the link is down I keep getting that circle, and it won’t load.

Me too. Can’t open. Just get a spinny loading wheel

We have found and fixed the problem. Just submitted an app update to Apple for approval. Hopefully this update will be live within a few hours.
Will let you know when it is live.

For now the workaround is to put your phone in “airplane mode”, then start the app. Then enable internet again.


Thank you so much for looking into that right away.