CLZ App doesn’t ever load

It’s not loading for me too.

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Restarting my phone didn’t help.

I’m on an iPhone 12
iOS 17.5.1
Clz app 9.3.3

I get the same screen as the above poster

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I’ve got this today as well. (sad face)

Same issue here. Probably a server issue.

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I’m on IOS and have restarted my device with no change. Spin-wheel is still displaying

We’re currently looking into this.
We have been able to reproduce a 7 second delay on a device with 500 comics.
Could be that the delay is (much) longer on larger databases.

In any case, we’re trying to fix this ASAP.

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Closing in… it seems to only happen for CovrPrice users.
We don’t know why yet…

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Was using my CLZ account this morning What?
Now I can’t seem to get back in. I’m wondering if the link is down I keep getting that circle, and it won’t load.

Me too. Can’t open. Just get a spinny loading wheel

We have found and fixed the problem. Just submitted an app update to Apple for approval. Hopefully this update will be live within a few hours.
Will let you know when it is live.

For now the workaround is to put your phone in “airplane mode”, then start the app. Then enable internet again.


Thank you so much for looking into that right away.

I just started having the same issue on my iPhone. I never had an issue before. I restarted the phone, but no luck. It just spins. Any guidance?

(I just saw your workaround — starting it in Airplane mode did the trick; thanks!)

The update with the fix is now live!


Todays iOS update fixed the issue for me, thanks :+1:t2:

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Second day the app has not opened/started. Spinning wheel keeps spinning.


Hi @BrianVariant

This was fixed yesterday evening in version v9.3.4

The topic where you also reported it was not working for you, we replied there that this fix was now live. Check it out:

Here’s the “What’s New” page on the fix:

Your app may have updated itself already (check the menu top left, the version number is at the top).

If it hasn’t updated itself yet, here’s how to force the update:

on iOS:

  1. On your device, open the App Store app.
  2. Search “CLZ” and select your CLZ app.
  3. Tap “Update” to update the app.
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I didn’t get any notifications from this post about the fix. Manual update fixed the problem. Thanks!

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@Glassjaw02 @Rinsewah @michael62 @JustJoeKingJr @BILLYin4C @goldenagecomics

This problem has now been fixed in version 9.3.4.

Your app may have updated itself already and it might already work again. If it hasn’t updated itself yet, here’s how to force the update:

  1. On your device, open the App Store app.
  2. Search “CLZ” and select your CLZ app.
  3. Tap “Update” to update the app.

More issues. Now Covrprice info is disappearing. I’ve restarted a couple of times and nothing. Guessing as a result of this update.

EDIT: a completely restart brought the covrprice info back. It has disappeared again though so I’d say there’s a slight hiccup somewhere.

When the CovrPrice information disappears, can you check your menu top left and see if you’re still linked with CovrPrice?

And if you are, can you tap your username at the top and hit the login button again, does that make it come back if it is gone?