Listings no showing up

my comics are showing mostly 0 for number of comics in series. it has the series but not showing numbers

First, check if a filter is on:

Open the quick filter panel, top left. It might have a red exclamation mark on the button probably, as it is active. The red icon indicates that the filter is active.

You can either:

  • Click “Reset Filters” at the bottom.
  • Or uncheck “Keep Active” and hide the quick filter panel.

If that’s not it can you check if you have a collection status filter active via menu Search > In Collection Status > ALL

And if that’s not it, check the bottom bar of your program, does it say a filter is on?

If that is not it
Maybe “Show empty folders” is switched on.

Click menu View > Show Empty Folders to either ENABLE or DISABLE those.

If that is also not it…

Can you please post some screenshots of your entire program so I can see what you mean?

Could it be you have hide empty series on?

I see you also sent in 3 emails. You only have to reply via email, or here. Not both sides.

dont know why my collection is right in cloud but not right on collector z. afraid to sync since i know it is wrong

i thought you all were able to look at our collection. it started yesterday after i added 4 comics to my lone rangers hi-yo silver series. 28 are showing in cloud, but the entire series is missing on collector z

Yeah your data is safe, so that is why I said in this topic, you should check your filter. Last 2 times you had this problem, it was the filter, so I’m assuming you have switched on a filter again this time as well.

Just check my first post, here, or see my reply in your email and follow the steps I wrote for you.

i tried that but couldnt find anything

Alright, please show me a full size entire screenshot of your Comic Collector program then, you can post it here.

i am not tech savy i am old school so dont know about adding screenshots and such

how do you do a screenshot on a computer

Okay. Last time you did the above and it worked.

Please see if you have a friend that can assist with doing the above, and if it does not work, create a screenshot for me, otherwise I’m flying blind in my support.

If you don’t know how to make a screenshot, here’s a page that explains how to:


i give up. i just know it is showing 12,693 on cloud like it should but showing only showing 9,368 on the site where i add comics

it has a little red exclamation mark where you can sync changes, but afraid to touch it

There is no need to give up. If you do not understand, or can not follow instructions because of tech savyness, then of course I can’t really do anything either.

Ask a friend to help out.

All you have to do is this:

  1. Click on THIS button top left:

  2. Now click “Reset filters” at the bottom.

  3. Now click menu "“Search” at the top, then click “In Collection Status” then click ALL.

Here’s a video on what you should click:

so are you able to go in and fix things or dont know what else to do

Your data is all there, you just have to follow the instructions I sent above.

Look at the text, study the text with the screenshots, then try to follow the steps.

I also posted a video for you.

If it all fails you might need to ask a friend to check my instructions and try them out

do you want me to hit the sync to cloud? afraid that would screw up even more. i love this program until i have troubles, then i hate it

No, I do not want you to click sync to the cloud. I want you to follow the instructions I posted!

Again, here’s the video of what I want you to click:

Ask a friend to help out.

All you have to do is this:

  1. Click on THIS button top left:
  2. Now click “Reset filters” at the bottom.
  3. Now click menu "“Search” at the top, then click “In Collection Status” then click ALL.