My Music collector..problem

After The last UPDATE when a open my software with shows
format ‘port added:% s’ invalid or incompatible with argument with argument.
And is not showing anymore any my CDs picture, I have already INSTALED AS administrator, have Uninstall it ano Install it again.
Any help please, I’m no using my program.

Thank you

There hasn’t been an update in a while, so I’m not sure what you’ve updated from. That said, the error, I’ve seen years ago, a couple of times. This might fix it:

Please follow the steps below to try and resolve this issue, this process will affect some local settings in your software such as the width of columns, but your database will not be affected.

  1. Click the Windows start icon and type ‘regedit’ into the search box, then press ENTER.

  2. Locate the following key:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > > Music

  3. Select that “Music” folder entry there and delete it!

  4. Download and install Music Collector from your My CLZ page:

  5. After installing, you will have to unlock the software. Fill in your username/password to unlock the software.

  6. Before actually opening your database, try adding one album to this empty database, just to check if it all works fine!

  7. Now, reopen your database: Click File > Open then locate the database file in order to get things working again.