The Amazing Spider-man multiple volumes show up twice

Schermafbeelding 2024-09-04 170804

Schermafbeelding 2024-09-04 170951

In both Collector and CLZ Cloud The volumes for The Amazing Spider-man are split.
See attached pictures.

I’ve tried deleting and re-entering them again, but I keep getting the same results.
Any ideas?

The mobile app doesn’t have this problem.

In Comic Collector, you need to MERGE those series. Here’s how:

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I was looking for an answer to this same problem. There are a handful of series I’ve noticed that duplicate each time I sync in the Windows desktop program, so I am merging series entries every time I add new issues to ANY series and sync back to the desktop. Is there a solution to prevent this from happening every time I add new issues?

Chris, that is strange indeed.
Does that happen after adding new issues to these series? Are you also editing your data on mobile or web?

It seems to be happening any time I add any new issues, even if they aren’t from the series. My process for adding new issues works like this:

  1. All new issues are added using CLZ on my iPhone.
  2. Sync to my Windows desktop, which is where I do most of my editing. It’s just easier for me to see everything on my large screen monitors and to do my editing using a full keyboard, which is why I’ve kept using the desktop software for all these years.
  3. The problem seems to affect only a handful of specific series and seems to be somehow tied to the sort names.

The next time I add new issues and it occurs, I’ll get some screenshots of a sample and provide a list of the series I’ve seen this happen with.

I recommend checking your Series pick list on the desktop software.
Check if there are multiple entries for those series with the same Core Series ID.
If so, merge them.

Just in case it matters, this is what sometimes causes this to happen for me.

  1. I have some of a series.
  2. I alter the SortName of the series.
  3. Later, I alter the Series of the series. Either changing it or letting an update change it.
  4. I end up with two versions with different issues (no repeats of issues, they are just divided up between them). One that has the default SortName and one that still has my SortName.

So to fix, I find the one with the default SortName and change it to match the modified Sortname, and then they merge.

I should have mentioned that I merge the duplicate series once or twice a week since the problem keeps coming back even after I do a merge. With most series, I would only need to merge them once and the software would know where to add new issues, but with Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 1 and Vol. 6, they end up reappearing as a duplicate entry after I add new issues.

I recommend checking your Series pick list on the desktop software.
Check if there are multiple entries for those series with the same Core Series ID.
If so, merge them.

Yes, thanks of the suggestion, but this is what I do a couple of times each week. I am merging series on a regular basis. This normally works okay, but it’s no longer working for some series. They duplicate every time I add new issues.

Chris, are maybe merging in the wrong direction?
You need to make sure that the series entry that remains is the one with the Core Series ID.

Also, check Manage Pick Lists, then Series List on your phone. Check if there are duplicates there maybe.

I just created a new post with several screenshots to illustrate the problem. To answer your question, YES–I do merge the duplicate series in Manage Pick List, but why does this happen almost every time I enter new comics? It’s not hard to merge the series names, but there are 15-20 series affected and I’m not even touching some of those series. I believe the problem happens when the app syncs with the desktop software, although this is just a hunch and not something I can verify. The most important question I have about this is WHY DOES IT HAPPEN ALMOST EVERY TIME I ENTER NEW COMICS? This only started happening in the past 6 or so months and used to work just fine.

I’ve replied to your other topic as well.

I think you need to try merging one of the AMS volumes series on both desktop and mobile, then sync, see if it sticks if you add a new comic.

I think a leftover AMS is somewhere on either side, and adding a new one (the system just checks on if you have that series ID) will add it to the first ones it sees. If the duplicate is anywhere on mobile still, then the problem will show again. But if you fix one on both side, then it should not return.