What do you read/collect?

I read about 30 titles a month use to be a lot more but space time and money can influence a lot when it comes to buying. I decided a while ago to limit myself to comics I find interesting rather than. Just trying to get EVERYTHING we all know that feeling of FOMO ( fear of missing out ) I’m thankful for trades in that regard


I use to love Chans inks on savage sword

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Have a fraction of what you own Bob, currently around 25000, these days I mostly collect DC books, and average around 40 titles a month, I have around 2500 Marvel books but avoid now as i think the quality sucks.
Loved Aspen back when the great Michael Turner was still with us, and probably have their entire first ten years of publications, and obviously Top Cows early years, great books and creators abound.


@285705 it’s the interesting thing about perceived quality. I’m almost you opposite, I like Marvel these days WAY more than DC.
I get maybe 25 or 30 Marvel books, less than 10 DC, and a couple of those only out of habit (Batman, Flash).
My personal quality zone is mostly non-corporate-owned stuff outside of Marvel/DC.
That said, even at Marvel, I tend to prefer the smaller books not constantly being drawn into events (e.g.non X-Men and Avengers)


@EvilFather I was cured of the whole “gotta get 'em all” in modern comics when the ouput got cranked up to something like 150 titles per month from Marvel/DC not counting the absurd number of variant covers a lot of people collect.
I focus my “complete the set” urges on older stuff where there’s a finite number in each series and one cover per issue! Marvel/DC helped me here too by canceling and restarting every series multiple times. I can set my sites on Vol. 1.


I read all things Marvel, but digitally - way too expensive to buy everything. :joy:

I do collect a few cover artists, including Frank Cho, Artgerm, David Nakayama, and Sabine Rich. I also have over 1,000 pieces from J. Scott Campbell.

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Been collecting since early 80s. Mixed Big Two + indies into the 90s and work/life/time interference moved me to Big Two autopliot for a number of years (mostly Bat-titles and Spider-titles). Got re-energized about two years ago. Still mostly Big Two but dipping back into the safe end of indies with W0rldtr33 and Ghost Machine. I know there’s more good Indie out there but time and $$$ limit real exploration.

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Collection started when I was 5 or 6
By the time hormones hit I was off and running after girls
…. Fortunately, did not ditch those two or three boxes for silly girl things… I dropped them with my momma and hid them at back of closet
It was all spider-man and related stuff, I was really into drawing them and swear was gonna be the next Romita
Moved bunches but ended up near a college which ignited my love for comics again! Filled in my collection with the aid of eBay ( not evil just yet…) so ASM from 2 to 500 something plus related
….:unfortunately , got married and went into small business, which needs money… wife says comics go , so okay back to eBay and sold all (Hulk 181 too, Ugg ) for around $5k - yuck
…. Years roll and life changes (business and wife )
Anyway- go back to school and here comes the urge! I would probably have stopped soon BUT fall into massive collection in storage from a closed Southern California shop
… into my 50’s now that has amassed into a serious room filler so… built a comic room in basement almost done
Read some newer indie
Love to find golden age
Bronze Age reminds of my youth and I can’t pass up much but I’ll say mostly Marvel
Love finding weird 80’s and 90’s small pub stuff! It’s always a bargain too!