What do you read/collect?

The thing with art appreciation is that “bad” varies person to person.
I like lots of different art styles, but some just don’t click with me even though there are other people who love it.
A personal example is Ed McGinnis. I’ve never liked his art and there are loads of people who love it.

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That one is for Me Jr.Jr. from the current ASM run… I simply dont like his style…especially his faces, and wrong anatomie… front cover broken limbs… in Incredible Hulk I loved Nic klein’s work… then issue 4 came and i think it changed to Travel Foreman… i have no words . Buut some people still like his style … so I agree with you @BobBretall

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My biggest issue with it is that it simply didn’t feel enough like a continuation of the Burton universe.

I keep telling myself I’m gonna transition exclusively to back issues, but I’m enjoying enough of the current stuff I do read that I just can’t pull the trigger.

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The only monthly mainstream titles I collect anymore are Mark Waid’s World’s Finest and SHAZAM! Everything else is either an Epic Collection of runs I enjoy, or trades of ongoing series in which I’m interested (like Thor).

I buy primarily Small Press Indie books, mostly Kickstarter-funded stuff. So entering those into the collection database is always fun. XD


Do get the new Ultimate Spider-Man! I think you might like it :wink:


You must have lot’s of time to read!
I was getting Marvel subscriptions to the following titles but have let them lapse, most of them aside from DD, and Moon Knight were disappointing.
To be honest I really don’t like the quality of DC, and Marvel which in my opinion has really declined significantly.
Now my focus is on the older books from the Bronze age, Conan, Thor, House of Mystery (when I can find them), and other spooky books.

Amazing Spider-Man
Ghost Rider
Iron-Man or whatever they called it!
Moon Knight
Savage Avengers
Star Wars
Star Wars Darth Vader


Have you checked the current “new” Conan run? (Issue #6 currently) it is quite good i think. I can highly recommend Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (this week) and the current Wonder Woman run ( even so I am usually not a WW fanboy :smiley: )


Re: lots of time to read.
Most people have a certain amount of leisure time and they prioritize what they want to do with that time. No right or wrong for this we do what we enjoy.
For me personally, I don’t care for sports at all. The time many people spend watching a few games every week either live or on TV translates for me to the time to read at least 25-30 comics per week!


I have the Titan Conan run so far it is great. The Titan Conan’s first issue comes to mind, the art Del La Torre is so much like John Buscema Marvel Conan art after Barry Windsor Smith, I believe Buscema started with Conan # 26 with vol.1.
I will check out Wonder Woman and the Ultimate Spider-Man.
Although I think there are way to many Spider-Man’s at this time.

I used to read a lot, like you unfortunately my eyes got bad due to diabetes, I still can read but not as well.
I also do not watch lot’s of TV etc. but like to spend my time sorting and trying to organize my collection which is well in access of 13,000 books.
Yeah I still buy more, mostly back issues.


I did grab that. :slight_smile:


And here is where it gets difficult for me. I really enjoy sports…AND reading comics! The balancing act has proven tricky, especially during baseball season when my Phillies are on nearly all week.


Got it and read it. It’s really good so far! Definitely a different take and love the artwork!


Happy to hear. Same vibe here!

My main series have been X-Men & New Mutants. I just completed 112-544 of the main Uncanny X-Men series and have all of New Mutants (all volumes) done — phew!

I’m currently on a mission to collect every Magik (Illyana) story appearance and cover appearance

Here is a subset of all her solo covers that I have


Other series I collect are Something is Killing the Children (which I currently have 152 books for 35 issues released :sweat_smile:) I just fell in love with the story, the world, and its characters, and the cover art is always phenomenal.


Mostly older stuff at this point. But Bronze, nothing fancy.

Marvel more than anything, then a decent chunk of DC, then a lot of others.

Nearly everything Valiant (original, Acclaim, 2012-?)

Lots of First, decent chunks of Dark Horse

The older (silver/gold) stuff I just read in omnibus form.

I do read some new stuff still, but mostly limited to anything still written by Mark Waid, Peter David, Kurt Busiek, Mark Russell, and a few others.

(also, hi, @BobBretall!, fancy seeing you here—sorry I fell off on writing reviews for you like a decade ago!)

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Hey there @FangsFirst … I stopped doing regular formal reviews of new books multiple times per week years ago myself.
Too much time involved that could be spent reading the several hundred comics (new & back issues) I buy every month.

I’ve condensed every thing into a single stream of (hopefully) interesting stuff on the ComicSpectrum Blog:

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I am into Marvel superheroes SPM Hulk Ironnan Ghost Rider Sgt Fury Conan . Also into MAD magazine ,Groo, Archies ( golden age - Silver).charlton and harvey titles war horror romance Blondie and sad sack Beetle Bailey. 3400+ total almost 900 Spiderman books covering 4 titles

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@JR Other than the Sad Sack & Beetle Bailey I’m pretty much into all those too!