Will Music Collector be dismissed?

I’ve read that Music Collector will be, sooner or lateer, dismissed in favor of Connect. This will be very sad for me, because there are some feature in Collector that I don’t see in Connect, the most important of which (for me, at least) is the possibility to add User Defined Fields. Could you tell me something more about this? Many Thanks.


That is correct. Music Connect is indeed the way forward.

All our development focus is now on the Music Connect web-based software and the CLZ Music mobile app. It is unlikely that there will be any more features update for the Music Collector desktop software.

Music Collector will keep working and we will try to keep Music Collector compatible with CLZ Core and CLZ Cloud for as long as that is feasible.

We are planning to add User Defined Fields to Music Connect, hopefully later this year.


BTW: where did you read this? I assume here on this forum?

in a post written on April 1st, in the post named “Suggestions for Connect to improve transition from Collector” antonmb wrote:
Since Alwin has made it clear that the desktop software will eventually be abandoned in favor of Connect …” is it perhaps a joke?

No it’s not a joke, see my comment above.

Oh, this is very sad to hear. A huge reason why I use Music Collector to begin with is because it’s a separate offline program, rather than a web-based service. Quite concerned now what this means for the offline software in the long run.


Very disappointing news…I will not be dependent on a web app for my music collection or any database for that matter. I pay for it now but do not use it…I primarily use the desktop and on occasion the phone app. I have to have a supported desktop app for when I must be offline for weeks at a time. Here I though I had found the perfect solution when I switched to Colletorz back in 2021. Hopefully the company leads who made this decision will reconsider this plan.


As I said above:
Music Collector will keep working and we will try to keep Music Collector compatible with CLZ Core and CLZ Cloud for as long as that is feasible.
Remember that the Mac editions were discontinued in Feb 2021 and are still functional today.

If it was the perfect solution in 2021… what changed now?
It is stil the same software and still functional.
As I said in other topic on this forum: just keep using Music Collector and all will be okay :slight_smile:

Except that enhancements, like the one I suggested to introduce a runout list, will probably not be added. Sure, Music Collector is “still functional” and might be fixed if a Windows Update negatively impacts it, but it looks like it will never be improved.

Even though several in this forum have expressed disappointment, apparently there aren’t enough of us to make it worthwhile because, as Alwin described in another thread, the investment and risk will likely be too high to improve it. :cry:

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I have seen 4 or 5 Music Collector users expressing disappointment, certainly not a widespread sentiment.

I will admit that Music Collector is the toughest one, as some users are using it to catalog music files, using the Add by Scanning a CD tool, or are cataloging lots of track level data. Neither of which is possible in Connect.

For our other products (for games, movies, books, comics), the transition to Connect is much smaller, as the difference in features and fields is much smaller.

Can I assume that with no new updates for Music Collector I am wasting my money for the yearly subs as I,m also paying for the Mobile App. I Have tried the 7 Day free trial for Connect and I don’t like the layout as for years I’ve been using Music Collector and have gotten to like it.

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No, that is not correct. Most of the subscriptions payments are for access to the CLZ Core for adding albums, syncing with CLZ Cloud, for access to the Find Cover Online feature, for customer support (7 days a week), et.c…

I am sorry to hear that. I am sure that you would get used to it quite quickly. Also, maybe try playing around with the layout (Vertical Split, Horizontal Split) and the different views.
Which layout are you using in Music Collector?

3 panels Horizontal

Are you sure? That is a strange view to work in. I mean, with the full width folder panel wasting a lot of space:

This one

Ah, you are using 3 panels Horizontal, but WITHOUT a folder panel.

But that layout is available in Music Connect too:

Yeah i saw that. Tell me if i transferred to music connect can i still use collector if i want and both will run together if i edit music collector?

If you just subscribe to Music Connect, sure, you can use them next to each other.

But if you accept our special Trade-In offer, for transferring your existing subscription days AND getting 4 months free… then you actually TRADE IN your Music Collector and you cannot use it anymore.

What’s changed…the elimination of support for the desktop app. I do not usee the web based Music Collector app. I only use the desktop and occassionally the iphone app too look up something in my collection. I have no interest in using a browser/internet hosted app (SAAS). I work in the tech field and advise all my clients that any application you deem critical for business ops or for its data to always have an on prem solution. I practice what I preach and for me my music collection data and ability to use offline when travelling or working from my mountain house where I have no internet and keep some of my music collection yet to be cataloged is important. As long as the app still works and so does the sync to the cloud and to the mobile app I will continue to use in the short term.

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